Monday, January 25, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

19 words


For once in my life everything is normal, for a few minutes. I knew that everything would be all right even though when my life came crashing in. It felt like I woulden't take anthoer step, but I knew that I would be all right.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


life is hard and it can suck but no one
said life was going to be easy. No one said
how hard it really is until you live it,and find out
that every thing can't be perfect or just have to try
to live with it,and make the best of it even when its not easy.

Friday, December 25, 2009

people don't really get the meaning of christmas, they think its all about the presents, but its not christmas it about the poeple who take their time and do something kind for someone else and christmas is about giving not taking, becuase we relibrate christmas bacuase of god,and how we came as a baby and can to save us, without him we would would be the ones on the cross,we would be living sinful and heartbroken lives but becasue of him we din;t have to dyie in the cross.god gave us chocies so choice good ones and don't live ur life in sin leave it in hope that thier will be a bettter tomorrow

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I don't know what to do anymore
I just want to give up but if I give up,
I'll be giving up everything i've ever wanted.
i know who i want to be.
its just i dont know how to
be that person